FENG.01.01-IP.02-3563/23 “Market implementation of Nicxperience – synthetic nicotine for pharmaceutical applications”

FENG.01.01-IP.02-3563/23 “Market implementation of Nicxperience – synthetic nicotine for pharmaceutical applications”

A-sense Ltd. is implementing project No. FENG.01.01-IP.02-3563/23 “Implementation of Nicxperience – synthetic nicotine for pharmaceutical applications” under European Funds for Modern Economy, Priority I: Support for entrepreneurs, Activity: SMART Pathway.

The project runs from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2027.

The aim of the project is to implement the results of R&D work related to the development of Nicxperience, as well as product and process innovation, allowing the launch of a new product in the form of pharmaceutical synthetic left-handed nicotine for medical applications (e.g., in anti-smoking therapy to prevent tobacco use).

The implementation will consist of the construction of a production facility (a production and storage hall with a laboratory and social area) and investment in the purchase of equipment necessary for the production of synthetic nicotine, together with the launch of production. In addition, the Company will purchase consulting services, the performance of which is necessary to implement the innovation.
The results of the project will allow Nicxperience to be offered on the global market with applications in pharmaceutical products.

Expansion of the company’s offer and development of production will also increase employment of employees.

Total project value: 39,421,383.52 PLN

Eligible costs: PLN 27,681,305.30
FENG Funding: PLN 19,176,913.71.

#EUFunds #EuropeanFunds