FEPW.01.03-IP.01-0461/23 “Conducting an enterprise audit and developing a GOZ-transformation business model”

Project No. FEPW.01.03-IP.01-0461/23 “Conducting an enterprise audit and developing a GOZ-transformation business model”.

Project No. FEPW.01.03-IP.01-0461/23 entitled: “Conducting an audit of the company and developing a GOZ-transformation business model” received funding under the European Funds for Eastern Poland Measure 1.03 “Closed-loop economy in SMEs. Stage I.”

As part of the project, a team of external specialists conducted a detailed analysis of the Applicant’s current production, supply and distribution processes, as well as the company’s business strategy and sustainability policies and operational plans. The audit carried out as part of the project implementation allowed the development of a business strategy for the transformation of the so-called “closed-loop economy model” for A-Sense Sp. z o.o. indicating to the Company what plugs it should take to optimize production processes, reduce costs and increase environmental awareness.

Total project value: 101,820.63 PLN

Funding under FEPW: 82,781 PLN