RPLU.03.07.00-IP.01-06-001/18 “Increasing the competitiveness of A-sense Sp. z o.o. through the implementation of R&D work in the innovative production technology of synthetic cannabidiol”.

RPLU.03.07.00-IP.01-06-001/18 “Increasing the competitiveness of A-sense Sp. z o.o. through the implementation of R&D work in the innovative production technology of synthetic cannabidiol”.

The purpose of the project completed in 2024 was: to increase the competitiveness of A-sense Sp. z o.o. on the domestic and foreign markets and to increase the productivity and efficiency of the company, through the implementation of the results of research and development work in the development of an innovative method for obtaining synthetic cannabidiol. The project included the purchase of specialized laboratory equipment, which significantly supported research and development work in the development of an innovative technology for the production of synthetic cannabidiol carried out by the Applicant and scientists commissioned by the Applicant. Currently, the Applicant has full rights to the results of the R&D work and has expanded the company’s offer with synthetic cannabidiol, showing significant advantages over naturally derived cannabidiol. The target group of this financial support was the Applicant’s enterprise, as well as its current as well as future customers.

Product indicators:

  • Private investment complementing public support to enterprises (other than grants): 847,773, 62 PLN
  • Number of enterprises supported to introduce products new to the market: 1
  • Number of enterprises supported to introduce products new to the company: 1
  • Number of enterprises receiving financial support other than grants: 1
  • Number of enterprises receiving support: 1,
  • Number of enterprises supported for investment: 1
  • Number of enterprises supported in the implementation of R&D results: 1

Result indicators:

  • Number of R&D results implemented: 1
  • Number of product innovations introduced: 1
  • Increase in employment in supported enterprises: 2
  • Revenue from sales of new or improved products/processes: PLN 1,419,000
  • Revenue from implemented R&D results: PLN 1,419,000
  • Number of process innovations introduced: 1

Project value: 3,475,871.81 PLN

EU funding: 1,978,138.42 PLN

#European Funds