MCT flavors

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MCT flavors in A-sense

Are you looking for the best MCT oil flavors on the market? At A-Sense we offer alternative quality products. These are products that have been developed both in Poland and in laboratories. When you order MCT flavors from A-Sense, you get the best product at the competitive price and in the shortest possible time.

Our store’s offer includes aromatic fruits, including: 


> MCT strawberry aroma,

> MCT pineapple aroma,

> MCT aroma blackcurrant,

> MCT lemon aroma,

> MCT banana aroma,

> MCT mint aroma,

> MCT vanilla aroma,

> MCT menthol aroma,

> MCT grape aroma,

> MCT mango aroma,

> Flavored MCT energy drink,

> MCT cherry aroma,

> MCT Watermelon aroma,

> MCT peach aroma,

> MCT forest fruit aroma.


A wide range of our fruit aromas are specific names of products with fragrance. MCT fruit aromas that are available in the A-Sense store are quality products.


Do you want to buy products in bulk? Contact us:

The abbreviation MCT stands for medium-chain fatty acids (medium-chain triglycerides). These unique fats go perfectly with the decomposed flavors. Sweet flavors such as cherry, strawberry, cactus, peach and pineapple in the MCT report create an unmistakable symphony of taste and fragrance in the residual product.


As a manufacturer of MCT oil flavors, we have control over product control. In addition, it can be used at the special request of our customers at their own discretion.

Our range of products available at A-Sense offers quality assortments. In line with the one-stop-shop concept, we ensure that all the elements required to manufacture the end product are available in our store


The store offers MCT flavors and products such as:


>  Nicotine

>  Nicotine salts

>  Nicotine bases

>  Cosmetic raw materials

>  Nicotine snus


Each product is available in bulk quantities – our customers can get as many products as they need. Check out our range today.